The Laconia School District has been awarded federal grant funds from the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center. This out-of-school time funding focuses on providing expanded academic and enrichment opportunities to communities that have higher rates of children furthest from opportunity.
This allows us to offer Project EXTRA, The REAL Initiative and after school clubs at the high school at NO cost to our families.
We proudly support whole child learning through play, academics, social, emotional, cognitive and academic development. We encourage students to find their interests and develop their skills through participation in various clubs. We offer additional learning opportunities through homework clubs, tutoring, adaptive learning (DreamBox in grades k-8) and we also weave literacy and STEM into many of our clubs.
Last year we were able to expand our offerings and we will continue to build our program to meet the needs of the students we support. We are very excited to add VEX Robotics to each of the schools, as well as 3-D printing to the high school and middle school.